Friday 2 December 2016

Comfort In Your Own Skin

Recently, a group of SZABIST students held this campaign by revitalizing Capri for a project that gives a message of feeling comfortable and beautiful in your own skin.

So, what comes in your mind when you hear the word 'beautiful' or a 'beautiful skin'? Fair, clear, transparent, free of acne, no facial hair and not even a single patch on your skin I suppose. Sadly, this world has changed the meaning of this word and everyone has created their different standards of beauty in their society or country. A little darker skin is considered less beautiful, wheat color is labelled as 'just attractive' and if you have a dark complexion then this world will not let you live by your own. A typical Pakistani standard of beauty is when they see you having a fair skin color and you are ugly if you have a dark complexion regardless of the strong personality you possess - SAD.

But my dear fellows the case is different here. Beauty is not something that we see, its something that we feel. Every inch of you is perfect, from bottom to the top. Imagine how boring this world would have been if God had created only one skin color of all of us BUT HEYY we all are different! We have different skin tones, color and texture. We are all made of different essence! So why do you feel bad about your skin color? Are you defaming God and His creativity? Well, if you have been crying over yourself lately then you really need to stop now because WHY would you let this world convince you that you are NOT worth it? Just because its stupid beauty artificial standards? Jump out of your bed today and be proud of your essence!

Fair, pale, wheat, dark, brown - every skin color is perfect and beautiful. You should whine if you had no color at all.. I mean you should be glad that you were not born green or blue (that would have been cool as well for green is to Hulk and blue is to Smurfs). So yesss! Just stop whining about how you look because you are absolutely perfect! Do not ever doubt yourself in fact carry yourself with confidence and prove others wrong by being yourself around them. With or without makeup, sleepy or fresh face, however you are dressed just let yourself know that NOBODY can bring me down because I AM BEAUTIFUL.
I have often come across girls who try to copy celebrities and in that case they start injecting capsules and injections in their skin just to look 'prettier'. So my darling, you do not need that at all. You just need a self believe. You just need to have faith in yourself and the day you will do it you would not need any actress to copy in fact you will be your own model!

Beauty comes in all shapes, sizes, colors and forms. And remember when you question about your physical appearance you are actually questioning God's creativity. Have a believe in yourself and make yourself realize that every breath you take today is a gift, do not spend your life hating yourself but loving and feeling comfortable in YOUR own skin! 

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