Tuesday 10 January 2017

The 'Sense and Sensibility' of Judgement

They say Every Face Wears a Mask which I believe is somewhat true.
We are given only one life and in this life we come across different people belonging to different ideology, race, language, religion, caste and personality, hence not everyone's frequency can match ours which is why we have difference of opinion, ideas and way of perceiving things. When someone's frequency does not dance along with ours we jump onto conclusions and at some point start disliking him or her. There where we go wrong because we JUDGE wrongly.
Now, the word JUDGEMENT has many aspects. There is a difference of talking about societal issues and speaking on them AND pointing out any individual and question their deeds. We often confuse these two things which itself is ignorance.
To make it simple and clear let's say person A has illicit relations with person B which is unacceptable religiously and otherwise. Now person C just got to know about it and definitely disliked and questioned it so he started talking about it with person D but person D on the other hand thinks its okay because its their life therefore, let them live theirs and you live yours. Person D knows its wrong but he does not jump onto conclusions that whether or not person A and B deserves to be hated because he believes one should hate the SIN not the SINNER. But person C started having grudges against person A and B and if often seen talking about this with others. So what do you think who is better person D or person C? And who do you think you are? Are you a person C who is now being judgemental or person D who does not like to interfere in other's life? Think about it and analyze which category is good and which is bad. 
Let me give you an example from our daily life. Recently a lot of people were seen making fun of the term 'don't judge' and some memes got viral as well and we being trend followers did not hold back our tongues and played our vital role like always. When you talk about something wrong prevailing in your society you are basically NOT being judgemental because a good citizen will definitely do that. Any society can not be free of flaws and until or unless you will not speak about it, it won't end. When it comes to politics we have to think beyond so why not when it come to societal issues. Nobody will label you intolerant if you have the guts to speak your mind. 
But when it comes to individuals then I believe its not okay to decide whether they are a good person or not because of course you do not know what a person holds inside or what are his intentions. So both of these things are very much related and there is a very thin line between them. Only if we think about it sensibly.
There are three situations of judgement.
a) You have criticized a person and you are proved wrong there and then. (What is the point for all the headache then?)
b) You judged someone and it is proved right (Which rarely happens but if this is the situation its hard for the victim to digest how badly he or she has been x-rayed)
c) You judge someone correctly and the image of that person has been exploited in front of a number of people. (This is the worst thing one could do) 
Being given these situations one metaphor came into my mind that says a girl who covers her hair and body is like a wrapped toffee and a girl who does not cover is like an unwrapped toffee. Lol. What kind of logic is that? A society where the character of a person is judged by the kind of clothes they wear or by their appearances is a society that has failed to understand the meaning of freedom, let alone to be implemented. 
So, next time when you see a girl standing at bus stop in the middle of the night despite of judging her character, try offering help maybe? 

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