Sunday 23 October 2016

Shia Genocide in Pakistan over the past few years

Living in the 21st Century has never been easy so far. They named it Islamic Republic of Pakistan yet the people who come under the fold of Islam face tremendous difficulties in following their Deen. 1400 years ago Muslims started dividing and that one pact was scattered into 70+ sects. However, people built their own rituals and religious gatherings to revive the events of the past (that left a major mark in the history of Islam) in the remembrance of some prominent religious personalities as a tribute to their sacrifices and patience. These specific people come under one sect, Shi’ite. In common language they are known as Shias which is a Persian word meaning: ‘followers’.

Over the past few years Shia genocide has increased 75% in different areas of the world. Countries including Pakistan, Iraq, Syria, Yemen etc have been a victim so far.

Talking about our country Pakistan Shia killings have been increased over the past few decades after the rise of untrue fatwas and forceful imposition of rules due to which many become intolerant and things like these come into existence. From twin bomb blasts in Quetta to target killing of Shia scholars, yet NO compensation was funded by the government to the families of the victim because in this way the failure of the system would be declared.

On May 5th, 2016 four Shia professionals got martyred D.I.Khan among which two were lawyers and two were teachers. This killing was accepted by Saudi funded notorious terrorist group AhleSunnat-Wal-Jamat (ASWJ) yet no action was taken against them. Basically, it has become a tradition here in Pakistan that whoever is a killer (terrorist groups specifically), when accepts his crime there is no technical step taken towards him and the reason is still a big question mark. Maybe because you need weapons and a large force of military to compete them BUT we do not lack these resources even. So is it fair if I go back to the times of Zia-ul-Haq and explain how and why these groups came into existence and why there is no certain action being taken against them? I THINK YES. The reason is pretty much clear to you and to me and to all of us then why we do not come forward and unzip our mouths?  Because everyone wants to live and nobody wants to die by the hands of tyranny, if our media starts a campaign against these ‘Enemies of God’ I don’t think they will spare any single individual dwelling in that country or state, which is one of the reasons we do NOT speak the truth.

 Situation got so crucial in 2013 that many Shia families migrated from Pakistan to different state or countries. To mention the incidents:
1. Abbas Town – March 3rd, 2013 – about 50 people died and 140 were hurt physically. This area is dominated by Shia residency and not even a single Sunni body was found that proves it was only targeted to kill Shias and spread terror. In the summers of 2011 over 300 people died of the same area.

2. Alamdar Road – This too happened in the start of 2013 in Quetta. More than 90 Shias were martyred and 120 injured in a suicide bomb attack. After this incident, many protests were held in every nook and corner of the country. It was more like a wakeup call for people to stop dozing, open your eyes and see. And if you find it wrong then speak against it. 

3. Hazara Shia Killing – The most deadly incident in the history when families protested and sat on the roads of Quetta in front of the dead bodies of their loved ones. A number of causalities were reported.

So many other Muharram processions and Imambargahs are attacked because technically they are seen as Shia institutions and if I do justice to my words so I can say let us accept the fact that it’s not sectarian violence BUT only Shia genocide. Because honestly speaking can you calculate how many Sunni graves have been dug and there have been bombings during Taraweeh? NO. Because they have never been targeted, the only sect that comes under threat as soon as Muharram starts is Shiite.
A very well-known Shia scholar Khanum Tayyaba was heavily threatened by ISIS and ASWJ, as a result she had to migrate from her own country. She left Pakistan a few years back and is now a Canadian citizen. Organizations whose mandate is to kill Shia and other religious minorities such as Tahreek-e-Taliban (TTP), Sipah –e-Sahaba (SSP)/ Ahle Sunnat Wal Jamaat (ASWJ), Lashkar-e-Jhangvi (LEJ), Jundullah, Jaish-e-Islam and other extremist splinter groups falling in the legal system. The reported number of Shia killings in past 7-8 years is more than 3,500 excluding the number of people who have been injured badly.

Shia genocide is on its peak not only in Pakistan but in every other part of the world where they reside their existence becomes a problem for terrorist groups. Here is a link to the website from where you can get further information about Shia genocide around the world.

All the information stated in this website is accurate with proof.
In conclusion to this, 2016 has been a better and peaceful year for Shias comparatively. Although there have been bombings in Imambargah but the loss was not too extreme. Strict security has been provided for jaloos and majalis now. At least, this country has taken it as a serious issue and has started working on it practically (rather than just changing their facebook profile pictures to black) to eliminate Shia genocide completely. Let us hope for a peaceful Muharram ahead. May Allah protect every Muslim be it Shia or Sunni. Peace!

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