Saturday 22 October 2016

Breast Cancer - FACE IT! FIGHT IT! CURE IT!

Cancer – Its not just a word but one complete cycle of life and death. Its not just a disease but endless pain which sometimes lead to happiness and sometimes sorrow. Its hard for people like you and me to understand the exact amount of pain because we have not been through it so maybe that is why sometimes we neglect this issue or maybe consider it less important to talked about.

Now when we talk about Cancer there are many times of Cancer that has been discovered, among which the most common type that has widely spread worldwide in women is ‘Breast Cancer’. After its discovery for almost decades it was not taken seriously because such an issue was considered as a taboo. Now why any disease would be considered as a taboo? What is so bad about it? Is it worse than deaths of people? The answer is very simple and straight to the point, just because the issue included private organism of a female body which is why people have always been hesitant to speak on this.

I have come across almost 5-6 families who lost their loved ones due to breast cancer and on the other hand I have come across more than 10 families who faced it and cured it. These families are a living proof of how human life is far more important than any other taboo or societal norm.
If we talk about breast cancer then it’s a little scary to know that the victim of this disease has to go through numerous and countless number of chemo-therapies and radiation treatments and believe me its eye witnessing painful. A lot of care is required and since it’s a tumor that has grown inside the breast so in that case, the respective breast of a patient is cut off to remove that tumor or lump.

 During this process while a women loses her physical shape of body, hair and becomes really weak, there’s another thing that she loses too – her self-confidence and self-love. She no longer feels beautiful and affectionate, there is a wave of self-pity inside her that constantly tells her how ugly has she become and how terribly she has changed both physically and psychologically.  In these circumstances the only support she looks for is her family. If she is a wife, her husband should be there. If she is a daughter her father should be there. If she is a mother then her son should be there. And why these men should be considered? To make her believe in herself again, to make her realize she is beautiful regardless the disease, to make her sure that she is going to be just fine in no time and they are in this together. A support, a hand to hold and a shoulder to cry on is all she needs to bring back her faith in life and beauty.

Let us join hand and tell our women that they are not alone in this. Let us talk about it and raise awareness among people for its not a taboo to save a life! One life can save one house. If we keep on considering it a taboo we will stop our youth from discovering more cures to such diseases. A disease is NOT a shame and must not be taken lightly. The moment you get to know about its existence, start your treatment without having any second thoughts. FACE IT! FIGHT IT! CURE IT!

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