Thursday 5 March 2020

Can You Innovate Within Large Organizations? | Joshua Mitro Lavra | TEDxPSU

Joshua started the talk defining the word creativity. It's a lovely word with plenty of different meanings because for each one of us creativity is different. Some of us apply creativity in decorating the house, some apply in creating art and some applications in their organizations belonging to different fields. Creativity is a mix of excitement, fear, and vulnerability. It's like putting your ideas out there to the world. The most interesting thing about creativity is that it has only been a part of the English language for 90 years. Sometime between 1929 to 1930 it started being applied in industrialization and it became a common mantra to create and innovate. He then explained it through a graph between Market Share and Time. Starting from mediocre and slow companies that saw a decline including Blockbuster and Kodak, they lost the track of time and ended up disappointing their audience. Then come to a group of innovative and fast companies like Apple, Google, and Tesla, these are the companies that innovate their products with time. Now comes a group of creative and agile companies like GE and IDEO, they are doing intrapreneurship. Intrapreneurship is the idea of being creative in your own organization.
1. WHY? -> to innovate and grow
2. WHO? -> cultural contributors - who challenge the status quo
3. WHAT? -> revolutionary and evolutionary ideas - harder to implement
4. HOW? -> build, learn and measure - repeat it all over again!
When you are working in innovation you need to ask yourself WHY are you doing this and what impact is it going to bring into society. WHY did you choose your career and majors? It's important to ask questions, especially it's important to ask WHY? Everyone is capable of doing innovative and remarkable things whether you are in a small organization or large organization. Innovation happens every day and when you learn to ask yourself these questions you will be able to come up with innovative stuff.

     Don't get ready, get started 

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