Thursday 8 September 2016

The real spirit of Eid-ul-Adhaa - What are you going to sacrifice? Animal or your pride?

Finally Eid-ul-Adhaa is almost here and government has announced holidays of 3 days Monday-Wednesday. They always forget we desi people keep on consuming 'gosht' non stop for 3 days of Eid and then our moms store it in case 'koi mehmaan ajaye' or make kebabs out of it...that's not fair anyway. Well, I still have to attend my university on 3rd day of Eid daydreaming about BBQs and some nice karahi. hehe..
So what are you people sacrificing this Eid? Goat? Cow? Camel? You'd be surprised to know but my dad decided this time despite of sacrificing animals we'd be sacrificing our ego, pride and all those things that makes human mind completely numb. 

Prophet Ibrahim or Abraham (may Allah be pleased with him) was put to a trail of sacrificing his youngest son Prophet Ismail (may Allah be pleased with him) because he was dearest to him among all the children but as per Allah's command he had to follow what he saw in his dream. He took his son in the forest away from his house so that his wife would not be able to hear if Ismail screams due to severe pain, blindfolded himself and as soon as the knife reached Ismail's throat, Allah replaced him with a sheep. When Prophet Ibrahim opened his eyes, his son was standing alive right in front of his eyes and that sheep had been slaughtered right in front of him. Prophet Ismail was the son that Prophet Ibrahim got after offering so many prayers that too in old age and imagine how dear he was to him when he was ordered by God to sacrifice his son.
So why am I repeating this story when all of us had been studying about this since our childhood. Maybe because there are a few misconceptions regarding this sacrifice. Now see, God liked this act so much that he made it a festival for all the Muslims, sacrificing an animal is NOT compulsory or should be followed as an obligation because its Prophet Ibrahim's Sunnah (Sunnat-e-Ibrahimi) in the remembrance of his great sacrifice to show his love and obedience towards God. There is no need to get 4-5 animals and show-off to this world that you're capable of buying such expensive animals, aren't no race my friend it'll be of no use if you do not understand the REAL meaning behind this sacrifice. But this sacrifice becomes obligatory for Hajjis. Millions of people from all around the world go for Hajj (pilgrimage) to Makkah, and there its compulsory for them to sacrifice an animal in the name of God.

Now coming to the animal selection...well...this is complicated. God replaced sheep with Prophet's son so from where did all these cows came from?  FLASHBACK! Back to the time before partition when no India or Pakistan existed on the map of the world, there was just one land named subcontinent. Here Muslims and Hindus both lived together but oh so miserable! And I suppose we all are aware of the bitter reality about different conflicts that prevailed even from Muslims. Cow is a scared animal of Hindus and since both the communities shared mutual dislikeness and hatred so definitely there were teases performed by both of the parties. If Hindus mocked Muslims then we didn't even stay calm about it. Muslims started sacrificing cows (knowing its a sacred animal of Hindu community and will be offensive for them) and since then its a tradition to sacrifice cows in the name of Islam. huh? Did you guys know that? And are you aware of the fact that cows are only slaughtered in Pakistan and India, a very few cases in Bangladesh on the occasion of Eid-ul-Adhaa. Its not even in practice in any other Muslim countries that are even advanced and comparatively more progressive like Iran and Turkey.. Not even in Saudi Arabia - I'M NOT KIDDING! Its only practiced here and the mock continues!

So coming back to the main point that I wanted to convey...
Can you sacrifice your dearest thing if God orders you to? Would you be ready to give up your children? Your property? Your jewelry? Your favorite dresses? Your Husband? Wife? Parents?! YOUR NAFS?!!?! Majority would claim it a yes but very few would actually do it because in the first place if it was that easy then God would have not given this trail to a Prophet and then give him the title of 'KhaleelUllah' that means Friend of God. You can not just give up something so easily and especially when it comes to something that you love the most in the world of today that is filled with materialism and can't even see happiness of others. Not everyone's might is right. I read one Hadith yesterday about it (can't recall the exact words), it said, buy an animal that you're going to sacrifice some days before Eid because you will eventually start loving it and get emotionally attached to it and when its time to sacrifice that animal then you can feel the pain of losing a loved one, and then the tears that you'll shed for it would be a proof that your love for God is everything you need.
Sacrificing an animal on the occasion of Eid is not an obligation but a Sunnah of Prophet Ibrahim. But besides all this there are some positive facts about sacrificing animal:
1. Poor people get to taste meat after a long time because its too expensive for them to buy it (so why not give charity more often?)
2. Plus points in good deeds! (wow)
3. Benefits from animal skin (the one we give to mosques)
4. Good food (obviously)
and many moree..

So this Eid, while enjoying your BBQs and taking selfies with cows and sheep (uhh hate that) please do not forget what actually is the lesson that this day conveys. Sacrifice your animals but don't forget to sacrifice your pride, ego and grudges against anyone! Its all about sacrificing so why not start with our negative traits first?
Eid Mubarak! :)

1 comment:

  1. Woww. Its so beautiful. Can I have your autograph please? I admire you and your writing :')
