Friday 30 September 2016

Pak-Indo Relations and the WAR mistery

The thought of war between the two strongest countries in South Asia is a little too scary because both of them are nuclear power and if anything happens between India and Pakistan, it will eventually leave an ever lasting impact on the World Map. When I see talk shows regarding Pak-Indo war it reminds me of Hiroshima and Nagasaki attack, I don't know why but just one thought of war gives me goosebumps and somewhere in the future I can foresee that.
About four years back when the conditions were pretty worse of Karachi (the hub of the country), worse as in not economically or socially but here I mean political conflicts and fights, target killings and blasts. I remember I was in college and whenever something unfortunate used to happen my father used to rush to pick me up from college for the sake of my safety. One day something like that happened (can not exactly remember the tragedy but I guess a worker of one political party was killed) and this whole city of lights was burning, every shop was closed, offices were shut down and schools/colleges were closing too. That day I read one tweet of an Indian journalist saying:
Pakistan do not need missiles and nuclear bombs to eradicate their existence, just spread a false rumor and they will burn their whole country into ashes.
Because later the killing of that political figure came out to be a hoax. That day I realized whatever India says or do can never be in the favor of Pakistan. I do not remember the name of that journalist but his tweets were so manipulating and anti-Pakistan even if we accept something was wrong with us but I have never seen Pakistani journalists spitting on India so badly. Because of course there are certain ethics of journalism too.
Let us all accept this bitter fact that we can never be friends with India the way we have good relations with China. We can never like Indians the way we like Chinese. WHY? Why these thoughts even cross our mind when in reality it should be the complete opposite of what I'm saying. We were united with India through social media and entertainment but divided otherwise. And sadly, we have been divided by that means as well. Pakistani actors are being threatened, their security is a big question mark in India and even Indians are boycotting Pakistani TV channels now. Another conflict has been raised here.

 So basically, India and Pakistan both are not ready to build good relations with each other. Even if political parties agree or militants sign another treaty - nothing would work. There is an enormous quantity of hatred between the individuals of both countries. I am not being a pessimist here but showing you some factual figures. What if I tell you the current scenario is all planned? What if I tell you this was planned to just distract public from certain issues including PTI gathering? Do you think Modi is indirectly favoring our dear Prime Minister? I do not think this war is going to be productive or will end up with good results. Here are a few things that you people need to know.
  • This is not the first time that forces have been sent to the border. It has been done at least thrice in the history. First it was done by Indra Gandhi during her tenure and as a result it turned out to be nothing but a pointless war in which many soldiers were killed. But then she was shot dead by a Sikh soldier which was a consequence of her order in Golden Temple (Holy place of Sikhs), many Sikhs were killed in that encounter.
  • Secondly when Rajiv Gandhi was acting PM of India he sent forces to the border again in 1984, at that time Pakistan was under the dictatorship of Zia ul Haq. Later, when Zia was invited by India, so while shaking hands on the airport with the legacy of Gandhi Zia said, Pakistan is an atomic power as well. This got famous as an open threat to India. After that the forces were called back.
  • Thirdly when General Musharaf was acting as the President of Pakistan even then the forces were sent to the borders but there was no productive outcome of that. 
So technically, it has been researched that as many times the forces were sent to the borders there was no proper outcome or reason to it. Let's say that there is no end to Pak-Indo conflicts or you may call it a war too. This time there may be lives lost because Indians see our country as a terrorist state when the HEAD of their OWN country is known as the biggest terrorist/killer/smuggler. So, Mr.Modi needs to calm down because he must know all he is talking is utter stupidity to divert the minds of individuals of both states.
Pakistanis should not take his statements so seriously because Modi himself is aware of the fact that if there will be war between Pak and India then both of these countries will be no more. You know why?
  • Both countries are super atomic powers.
  • Have the strongest military.
  • Both have new technology advancements.
  • There will be no productive outcome of war but consequences overall.
  • India will be no more.
  • And Pakistan is the best (HELL YES!)
There is an idiom that 'Barking dog seldom bites'. So Pakistan just relax, this drama shall end soon and when this country was created the most handsome man in the history said, 'No power on Earth can UNDO Pakistan'. He was ABSOLUTELY RIGHT! This is our country, our homeland and if anyone will try to threat us so we have people to put them in hot waters! Pakistan Zindabad!

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